Indian Beliefs Backed by Science

Indian Beliefs Backed by Science

India is a culturally rich land. We have diverse backdrops of people coming from different religions, regions and beliefs. We’ve been led to believe most of our beliefs that have passed on from generations are nothing shy of myths. Truth be told, most of the traditions imbibed in us and the beliefs that we so religiously practice thinking they are a part of our values have actually a lot of science behind them. Our ancestors came from a very learned lineage and their thought process had a sound backing by logic to them. Here’s listing some very popular beliefs and the actual scientific logic behind them.




India is known for its warmth and the way we have been taught to greet people around us. The signature folding of hands to greet someone is a deep rooted tradition of our culture. The science behind it is when we join our hands, the tips of the fingers touch each other thereby activating pressure points located on them. These pressure points are directly connected to our sensory nerves. This helps us remember the person better and also flexes our nervous system.


Tilak/ Bindi:



The tilak or bindi is placed in between the eyebrows which has a major nerve point which when presses increases concentration. Also keeping the point pressed by means of a bindi or tilak ensure that the mid-brow pressure points facilitate blood flow to the facial muscles.


Not sleeping with your head in the north direction:


As kids, we were always told to never sleep with our head facing the north and we believed that it had something to do with superstitions. Well, there’s a whole lot of science behind it. We all know that earth has a magnetic field. The human body too has its own magnetic field. Sleeping with head pointed in the north direction causes the body’s magnetic field to align in asymmetry with the earth’s causing heightened blood pressure.


Ear Piercings:

Science says the piercing of ears facilitates a greater intellect and stress management capabilities!




Seen as a religious practice as a devotion to God, fasting is great for the body. It cleanses the digestive system off any toxins and ensures the body mechanisms are in smooth order.



An asset of married women, the sindoor is conventionally applied till the centre of the head which has the pituitary gland which controls our emotional balance and our nerve points. Sindoor has intrinsic properties which when touch the points regulate the blood pressure.




Wearing bangles/bracelets on the wrist causes a friction thus augmenting the blood flow within the body. It also prevents loos of electric flow from the body.


Toe ring:

Indian women, usually married women, often sport toe rings in the second toe. The nerve from here directly passes through the uterus to the heart. Keeping the nerve pressed regulates the blood flow and maintains a healthy menstrual cycle.


Worshipping Peepal Tree

This belief is strongly supported by science. The peepal tree is the only tree that emanates oxygen in the night, all other trees emit carbon dioxide during night, inhaling of which is not good for the human body. Hence peepal tree was considered safe to sleep under even at night and quickly people began worshipping it.

The stories of ghosts lurking on trees at night, well now you know the truth.


Bathing After Attending Funeral Ceremony

To draw people’s attention, the myth started floating that if didn’t bathe after attending someone’s death rites, they’d probably be haunted by spirits in the cemetery. The truth is quite different. A dead body quickly begins to decompose and decay and houses multiple germs. These germs could latch onto the people around. That’s why attendees should bathe themselves to get rid of any infectious germs.


Consuming Curd-Sugar Before Any Journey  

This is a very popular practice considered to be highly auspicious. The logical reason behind it is that curd is rich in calcium and proteins and is easy on the digestive system and is not heavy on the stomach while travelling. Sugar keeps the energy levels high. The cooling properties of the curd keep the mind calm during stressful activities.


Always Swallow Tulsi Leaf

Chewing a tulsi leaf is considered ill-ominous. Belief says that you should always, always consume tulsi leaf by directly swallowing it. The scientific reason behind it is that a tulsi leaf contains high levels of mercury which would come in contact with teeth while chewing and would damage the enamel.


The Eclipse Scare


The reason we’ve been taught to never step out of homes during an ongoing eclipse and see it has as great deal of science to it. Reason being, the rays emitted can adversely cause retinal damage.

Also, one is not supposed to eat or cook anything during an eclipse. This is because the microbes in the atmosphere multiply exponentially during an eclipse and can perish the food or be harmful if consumed.


Temple Bells


All Hindu temples have bells at the entrance and it is a religious practice to ring them, which would ward off the evil spirits. The science behind it is that the bells are made in such a way that ringing them produces a sound which sharpens our concentration and retaining power.

The sound of the bell produces echo which activates all the seven healing centers of our body.


Start Your Meals With Spice And End With Sweets

The reason behind this belief is that the acids in spicy food facilitate digestion and ensure that digestive juices are secreted as food is consumed. Sweet consumption on the other hand slows the digestion process hence should be eaten only towards the end of the meal.