April is the month of health awareness with April 7 being World Health Day observed globally addressing the rampant health issues and the need to adopt a healthy lifestyle. We often tend to neglect our health owing to our crazy working ours, our erratic fast pacing lifestyle and giving in to the unhealthy junk food.




So, here’s promising to being more sincere to our health this World Health Day. Let’s have a look at what our health horoscope has in store for us this month.




April HealthScope: The month of April will see you all charged up and energetic to take on new projects and responsibilities. You’ll feel very healthy from within. Tarot advises you to keep up the spirit and maintain your exercise regime to the hilt. Mid-April could bring some unnecessary mental stress. Try not to over exert yourself. Avoid confrontations at work place.

Health Tip: Drink lots of Water. Reduce salt intake. Include lots of veggies in your diet.




Zodiac Color: Hues of red and orange.

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April HealthScope: You will have a good health in general this year. This month though, you need to be cautious of your physical health- you might experience some muscular pulls or a minor ligament injury.

Health Tip: Start Practicing Yoga on a regular basis. Avoid heavy oily, greasy food. Meditation would be the best de-stresser for you.



Zodiac Color: Hues of green and beige.

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April HealthScope: your tarot reveals a healthy month. You should however practice on laying off toxic emotions that might lead up to a mental fatigue. You might find yourself drawn to a spiritual lifestyle or one influenced by cultural philosophies in the months to come starting April,

Health Tip: You need to heavily cut down on your tea intake. Opt for green tea instead.



Zodiac Color: Hues of green and yellow

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April HealthScope: With Jupiter having entered your sector, you will feel very energetic this month. You will however be tempted to eat fatty, unhealthy fast food and shrug off the need to exercise.

Health Tip: Streamline your daily routine. If required, do take help from a nutritionist or a personal trainer.



Zodiac Color: Hues of blue, grey and light purple.

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April HealthScope: 2019 is a good year for you, health wise. You might experience minor cold this month. Other than that, no issues revealed by the tarot. Make sure to exercise regularly.

Health Tip: Avoid junk food and aerated beverages. Morning walk and regular yoga sessions are advised.



Zodiac Color: Hues of purple, orange and gold

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April HealthScope: With Venus having moved into your wellness zone, you can expect a healthy lifestyle change. You will indulge in group fitness activities and will get positive reults.

Health Tip: Stay away from people who deter you from following a healthy lifestyle or force you to party everyday.




Zodiac Color: Hues of white, grey and blue

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April HealthScope: The presence of Ketu and Saturn in your sector might lead to some mental duress. Take special dental care this month. There are chances of a muscle injury so make it a point to not workout hardcore this month.

Health Tip: Detoxify your body by eating healthy and fibrous food. You can consider fasting to cleanse the accumulated toxins out of your body.



Zodiac Color: Hues of pink and pastels

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April HealthScope: You might experience some restlessness on the higher side this month. Engage in physical activities to digress your mind elsewhere. You might have a sore throat. Tarot reveals the possibility of a minor skin allergy this month.

Health Tip: Lower immunity is on the cards this month. So make it a definite point to hit the gym. Avoid street food to prevent any gastric infections.



Zodiac Color: Hues of black, wine red, burgundy

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April HealthScope: you need to engage in physical activity of any kind- gym, swimming, yoga, cycling or simply walking to ensure a fit body. You need to check your unhealthy, irregular lifestyle. Personal relations and work pressure might cause frustration and mental stress.

Health Tip: Avoid oily food this month. Include more and more fruits and veggies in your diet.




Zodiac Color: Hues of orange and maroon

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April HealthScope: You might possibly feel feverish or nauseous as the summers set in this month. With Saturn having entered your sector, you will face a bout of negative emotions. Tarot suggests that you share your thoughts with close ones and try not to let pessimism bog you down.

Health Tip: Avoid outside food and beverages. Engage yourself in co-curricular activities.



Zodiac Color: Hues of blue, grey and brown.

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April HealthScope: Ketu in conjunction with Saturn might affect your mental and psychological health. Sun’s transit towards the end of April in your birth chart might weaken your immune system.

Health Tip: Have a balanced diet and exercise regularly. Plan a short getaway to rejuvenate yourself.




Zodiac Color: Hues of blue, turquoise

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April HealthScope: Saturn might lead to slight muscular pain and backache. Yoga should relieve you of it. Balanced diet intake and regular exercising will improve your health considerably and have you in good shape. April could be a problematic month healthwise.

Health Tip: Minimise intake of dairy products and alcohol this month. Follow a fibrous diet with lots and lots of fruits.




Zodiac Color: Hues of green and blue

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